
While working tonight on an assignment for one of my classes, I was inspired to adopt the German approach to smashing words together. A quick google search just revealed that such words are called (no surprise) komposita, which means compound words.

I didn’t read enough about komposita to know if there’s a strict process to the creation of such gargantuan words. I only know that (1) my mind and (2) my sleep schedule would benefit from the practice.

First, if I just rattle off the adjectives and nouns associated with a given message, my mind will stay on-message rather than reflexively considering the interpretability of the message.

Second, I spend more time editing than I do writing. I understand that formal writing requires adhering to conventions. However, not all meaningful writing is formal (hello internet!).

So, in today’s email-slack-instant-message-communication world, komposita are valuable.

Did you see what I did there?

I hereby adopt komposita as a sometimes-appropriate-and-helpful-practice.

English language, komposita. Komposita, English language. I think you’ll get along just fine.

Because life’s too short spend editing.